Several years ago an engineer needed to protect mission critical pharmaceutical data acquisition systems from powerline voltage transients and noise. He was stunned to find that almost all surge protection devices that were commercially available diverted surge current equally to the ground and neutral wires and were based on sacrificial components (MOVs). He knew that dumping surges to the ground in these interconnected environments was going to place unwanted current on his data lines. Think about that! This was unacceptable. As to the use of sacrificial, limited life components that had unpredictable life and were virtually impossible to monitor...well, that didnt seem to fit with a mission critical protocol either. |
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Since he couldnt buy what he was looking for he created it (our hero wasnt easily intimidated). The solution was a power filter technology now referred to as Series Mode. No surge diversion to ground, no sacrificial components (i.e. NO FAILURES) and exceptional powerline filtering. He also threw in the fastest response time, lowest clamping level and lowest let through voltage for good measure. Then he patented his work.
The resulting products represent the next generation in surge suppression technology. By every basis currently used in measuring a surge suppression device Brick WallŪ Surge Filters set a new standard. This site will review the differences and advantages to this technology.